Wednesday 9 January 2008


My Dear Fellows from the Boreal Emisphere,

There are one Australian, one Frenchman, one Italian and one half Italian and Spanish in a nudist beach close to Melbourne...
No, it's not the beginning of an old joke, it's what happened last weekend.. in reality...
Ok, as you maybe already know Bea and I were scheduled for a compulsory visit to Tanya in Melbourne (and you know, you can't say no to Tanya, especially now she is the super-hyper-mega boss..), so we flew there from Sydney.

Tanya and Julien came to collect us at the airport, and, as it was a stinking hot day (Tanya's words..) we went straight to the beach.
Our first choice was Bells Beach (also known as the beach where Point Break was shooted, but Tanya said it's not true), but as that beach was like an ant-thrush, we opted fro a less-crowded resort, a NUDIST BEACH.
After a patrol, just to ensure we wouldn't have been the only "not-with-bared-family-jewels" people, we decided to stay there for the day.

Actually there were few people on the beach, and barely half of them were naked.. The problem was that those nude people was really awful to watch: overweight men with the belly covering their willies, middle-aged women with naked low breasts just falling down to the navel and so... Brrrrr...
The funny thing was to see family with, complete opposite to what usually happened on the beach, kids completely dressed up to protect'em from the sun, and parents completely naked.
But as we are on the other part of the world we should expect this.

Anyway, we had plenty of room to play the typical Australian beach-sport... Beach-Cricket. It was great fun, expecially when Tanya (and this happened more than one time), run onto the ball, but the ball actually stopped close to one of those belly naked guys... So you could see her just slowing down and then giving up in chasing the ball (and knowing how much O'Leary is competitive you can figure out how appalling were those guys...)Anyway just for your references.. I WON the game.. Once more.. Frenchie EAT MY DUST!!!!

So we went in Tanya's place, where Bea and I were told we would sleep in Tanya's parents' caravan.. I was about to say something about Tanya hospitality, then I saw the caravan.. Jeez, it was stunning, air-conditioning, TV, King size bed...

We spent the day later just laying down in Tanya swimming-pool, being necessary nothing more than being lazy (task I'm excellent, as you know...) and drinking beers (other Enrico-related task..), and just laughing at the Irish weather, INDEED....

We had for dinner a typical Aussie barbecue (barbie) thanks to Tanya's mom and dad (alias the Man with Victoria Beer in the Hand), where I challenged Julien in a meat-eating race (actually, Ju, who won? I think I lost cognition of everything after the 6th sausage and the 5th burger...), then we went to Botanical Garden, huge park into Melbourne City Center to watch an outdoor movie...

Actually: 1) the movie was in Russian with English subtitles (...) 2) We found out why it's said in Melbourne there are all four season in the same day.. it was freezing!

Guys, don't worry, cause we warmed up later in Tanya's Jacuzzi, where we spent a couple of hours drinking beers (Beez Neez.. mmmmhhhh) and remembering good old Accenture times.. While Tanya was screaming because she sunburned... her feet!

But who knows me well knows also that there was one main reason for me to go to Melbourne (who cares about Tanya? who cares about Julien?), better, the only reason I went to Australia was to finally meet her...

GEORGINA!!!! The overweight shark of Melbourne Aquarium...

I can't say the emotion I felt in finally meeting her (and her magic was actually catching all of us.. Look also Ju and Tanya hypnotized by her slow and relaxed crawling...)

After this, I didn't have anything else to ask from Melbourne...

What can I say? Even though I prefer Sydney (sorry Tanya, but I'm by now a Sydneysider...) it was a great time, a weekend spent with 2 real friends in a wonderful land...



kata said...

What a ,we came,we drank,saw her and left'....brmbolec....

robiravicchio said...

Bea..voglio la foto del gabbiano che ti ha pappato il pranzo all'Harbour, please...please...


Mi dispiace ma non ho fatto una foto al gabbiano che mi ha fregato il panino ero troppo occupata a curarmi il dito che quello stronzo mi ha beccato....
Comunque aveva proprio l`aria cattiva, perfida e anche un po`incazzata...


Mi dispiace ma non ho fatto una foto al gabbiano che mi ha fregato il panino ero troppo occupata a curarmi il dito che quello stronzo mi ha beccato....
Comunque aveva proprio l`aria cattiva, perfida e anche un po`incazzata...

Emanuele Ferraro said...

allora ragazzuoli... non scrivete mai... dovreste un pò vergognarvi...

vi ricordo, di passare a vedere i miei blog... e di lasciare qualche commento... ;-)

fate i bravi, un abbraccio!

tra l'altro, avrò bisogno di contattarvi per un lavoro con un'azienda australiana, appena avrò maggiori informazioni ve lo farò sapere...

_ Emanuele Ferraro

ferraro emanuele's foto >>>

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